Nimbus Health care

Nimbus is a patient-driven telehealth company that focuses on men and all of their healthcare needs. Using technology, Nimbus empowers healthcare providers to deliver high-quality, affordable care when and where men need it most.
For almost as long as there have been doctors, there have been men who are reluctant to go see them. And that avoidance has real consequences. At Nimbus, our goal is to close that gap and get men everywhere the healthcare they deserve at an affordable price.
Our tele-health platform allows men to get care at any time of day, often in just minutes. And they can get that care from anywhere.
The goal of an ambitious man is self-actualization. Having a healthy and optimized body drives new paths for that to happen. Nimbus Men’s Care is centered around the general health needs of men and personalized medicine in every form of treatment.

Meet Our Advisors

Designed and vetted by our team of leading experts in men’s health

Dr. Richard Harris, MD, PharmD, MBA

Nimbus Physician, Integrative & Sports Medicine

Dr. Philip Oubre, MD

Nimbus Physician, Integrative Medicine Specialist

Dr. Tobin Lim , MD

Nimbus Physician, Cardiovascular Specialist

Dr. Jobby John PharmD, FACA

Nimbus Founder, Pharmacist

Personalized testing and treatments to maximize men’s health.

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