Hair Loss

Fixing hair loss once and for all

Nimbus is the only solution that treats hair loss at its true root cause -- your genetics. By analyzing the underlying cause of your specific hair loss, we customize a treatment plan specific for you.

Hair Loss Is Genetic

Research shows that several underlying factors affect overall hair health, but the biggest contributor is genetics so don't blame your mother for your hair loss. At Nimbus, we look at your key genetic factors and develop the most effective active ingredients to not only reverse your hair loss but help your hair grow back stronger and healthier.
Two-thirds of men in the U.S. experience some form of hair loss, or alopecia, by the age of 35. Additionally, Male Patterned Baldness (MPB), or androgenetic alopecia, affects 50 million men in the U.S.
Your genetic profile is unique to you and has the most significant impact on the development of alopecia. Without adequate testing, this information can go ignored. With 287 genetic regions that influence alopecia, ignoring this data can negatively impact the effectiveness of your treatment.
In addition to a hereditary component, hair loss has a lifestyle component. Your lifestyle leaves an imprint on your genetic profile and can affect how your genes are expressed; this is called epigenetics. The lifestyle factors that influence hair loss include:
  • Poor diet
  • Pollution
  • Using harsh chemicals
  • Stress
Each of these behaviors can cause cellular damage and exacerbate hair loss.

Personalized Treatments

When conventional medical professionals prescribe medications, your unique genetic profile isn’t taken into consideration. The decision is based on the symptoms of your hair loss instead of addressing the root cause. Typically, the medical treatment for hair loss is reduced to two FDA-approved prescriptions:
  • Minoxidil (Rogaine): a topical treatment used to regrow hair on the top and crown of your head.
  • Finasteride: a pill used to stop further hair loss. And one option that is not FDA approved, but is widely and effectively used:

Meet our providers

Natalie Kash, MD, FAAD

Dr. Natalie Kash is a board-certified dermatologist and fellowship-trained hair restoration surgeon who specializes in hair loss. She is committed to advancing the field of hair restoration through both clinical and research endeavors. Her unique training and experience as both a dermatologist and hair restoration surgeon allow her to truly treat any type of hair loss patient and start with patients on their journey from proper diagnosis to treatment including both medical and surgical therapies.

Rahil B. Roopani, MD

Dr. Rahil Roopani is a fellowship-trained hair restoration surgeon who focuses on providing comprehensive hair restoration solutions to hair loss patients. His approach to treating patients in the field of hair restoration first relies on education and empowering patients to find sustainable therapies individualized to them. As a hair restoration specialist and hair loss patient himself, Dr. Roopani is committed to constantly improving patients’ experiences and outcomes on their hair restoration journey.

Our patented test and algorithm

The proprietary Nimbus Hair DNA Test analyzes your genetic profile to find the underlying causes for your hair loss. A patented algorithm chooses from over 175 million therapeutic alternatives to provide a personalized treatment solution. A customized prescription is developed by medical professionals according to your specific genetic needs.
Your genetic profile will be analyzed on 13 genes and 48 different genetic variations. An analysis will also be conducted on the different types of alopecia:
  • Androgenetic alopecia
  • Alopecia areata
  • Telogen effuvium
Knowing the type of alopecia that affects you helps to determine personalized treatment options.

How It Works

Your genetic profile provides insight into hereditary and lifestyle factors that cause hair loss, like:
  • Blood circulation
  • Testosterone levels
  • Stress
  • Low vitamin levels
  • Inflammation
  • Hormonal changes
The process begins with a telemedicine consultation about your type of hair loss and potential treatment options. Nimbus will send you a lab kit to take a cheek swab for the proprietary Nimbus Hair DNA Test sample. It is then sent to Nimbus labs for an analysis of your genetic profile.
In 14 days, you will have another telemedicine appointment to discuss personalized treatment options. The entire process is convenient and confidential, and can be done from virtually anywhere.
In addition to convenience, Nimbus offers a more valuable solution than conventional treatment. The cost of our services are the same, but you receive a more in-depth analysis of your genetic profile and personalized medicine to treat the root cause of your particular type of hair loss.

Hair loss is directly related to our genetics.

There are 6 factors that can hinder or promote hair growth and they are all at the mercy of our genes. Since human genome sequencing began, we have explored numerous ways that differences in genes can impact our bodies and our lives. At Nimbus, we’ve created the first genetic test for hair loss and leverage personalized prescriptions to address the root cause of it.

Hair growth regulators

The metabolism of hair growth regulators, like prostaglandins, can either help our hair grow or cause the hair follicle to shrink and stop growing.  


Improper management of inflammation is the root cause of many problems in our bodies and it plays a big role in hair loss. 

Hormonal effect

 Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is the primary hormone responsible for hair loss. 

Blood flow

Hair follicles are living tissue and need a steady supply of nutrients from blood flow to remain healthy. 

Collagen formation

This protein is a building block for joints, nails, connective tissue, and skin. 

Vitamin and mineral metabolism

Vitamin A and biotin are important for normal hair growth and our diets are often deficient in these nutrients. 

What Nimbus Hair DNA Test analyzes

  • Metabolism of hair growth regulators
  • Inflammation
  • Hormonal effect
  • Blood flow
  • Collagen formation
  • Vitamin and mineral metabolism

Factors that promote alopecia

  • Increased testosterone levels
  • Hormonal changes
  • Inflammation
  • Blood circulation issues
  • Low levels of vitamins and minerals
  • Stress
  • Pollution
  • Others

Hair DNA Test

Hair loss (alopecia) is a progressive condition that has different forms and causes. The most common hair loss type, known as androgenetic alopecia, is hereditary. If left untreated, hair loss usually progresses over time.
Sometimes the prescribed treatment from your medical professional fails to produce results. Your unique genetics play a significant role in how your body reacts to certain treatments. For example, certain genetic changes may make you resistant to Minoxidil which needs to be activated by your body before it is effective. Those with that particular gene change will not respond to Minoxidil. In this case, you would benefit from an in-depth look into your genetic profile to pinpoint a treatment personalized to your exact needs.

Who is it for

Nimbus Hair DNA Test is indicated to be used by:

Men and women who have tried different treatments with few or no success.

  • Everyone who wants to understand how their genetics affect alopecia treatment.
  • Patients with family history of alopecia

Types of alopecia analyzed:

  • Androgenetic alopecia
  • Alopecia areata
  • Telogen effluvium

Why Nimbus Hair DNA Test

Fully personalized treatment

A personalized prescription is developed for you by your healthcare professional.

Genetic factors explanation

Nimbus Hair DNA Test (NHD Test) provides a full report with explanation of your genetic characteristics and their relationship with alopecia treatment.

Specialist support

Your prescriber will now have a deeper understanding of your genetic characteristics and how they relate to alopecia.

Once in a lifetime test

Your genetic results will not change during your life.

Let’s learn more about Nimbus DNA Hair Test

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About Hair Loss

Male pattern baldness occurs when longer, darker hairs that once grew on the scalp are replaced by thinner, shorter, less pigmented hairs. This is due to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone derived from testosterone.
Early on, it’s possible to stop or even reverse this hair loss. However, at a certain point, the hair follicle also loses attachment to the small muscles in the skin (called the arrector pili muscles). When this happens, hair loss is permanent.
Finasteride and minoxidil typically take three to four months of daily use to start seeing visible changes. It can take up to a year to see the maximum results. As long as you don’t experience side effects, it’s best to continue the medication for one full year before deciding on whether the medication is doing all it can for you. Like all medications, finasteride and minoxidil will work differently for different people. To sustain benefits, you have to continue using hair loss medication. If you stop, your hair loss may return.